Then and Now: Week 9

Hey everyone, today I have week 9 of my 'then and now' challenge. When I first set out to do this 'challenge' I randomly numbered the 22 posts I have so that I could do them in that order, but once I got to week 5 and didn't really like the design I started mixing things up a bit, so today's choice was because I felt I'd used too many reds and blues lately: bees! More after the jump

As you can see I completely changed the original design, only really keeping the concept of bees because I didn't really think the original design was that great. Originally everything would have been done with dotting tools and nail varnish but this time I used a brush and acrylic paint for the little bee and tape and black nail varnish for the stripes.

The base on all but my ring finger is NYC - Lexington Yellow, the black is Barry M- Black and the white base is Essie - Blanc (which I picked up in a set of 4 for £5!!)

What do you think? Was the original design any good and should I have stuck with it? Or do you like the cute little bee? Let me know in the comments!


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